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Mark Strong Is Desperate To See Arsenal Win The Champions League




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发表于 2020-4-25 00:18:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Mark Strong Is Desperate To See Arsenal Win The Champions League

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What can we say about Mark Strong? He’s starred in not one, but two movies called Sunshine. He also kicked Kick-Ass’s ass – although it didn’t end well for him. And as Kingsman’s Merlin would say, he’s ‘f*cking spectacular’.

The British actor recently led troops on 1917’s front line. Now, he’s the latest storyteller to immerse listeners in nautical tales of the deep on Krakenory, a new online series inspired by CBBC’s Jackanory, looking to steer people away from cabin fever.

First though, the country roads took him home to the place he belongs: sitting on the phone, chatting to UNILAD. Because we’re a merciful bunch, we didn’t tempt him with the Eye of Sin – instead, we put him through his paces with our thought-provoking interview format. Thankfully, he didn’t send his goons to put me in a giant lumber microwave (yet).

This is The Ten…

1) You’ve got a time machine, where’s the first place you’re going?

Mark: There’s lots of things. I eventually plumped for the late 16th century, when Shakespeare was writing plays, and Ben Johnson and Christopher Marlow – they were all writing plays together for these theatres that had popped up on the South Bank, that during the daytime were being used for bear-baiting.

The idea they were writing plays people would come and watch, and stand up and be rowdy during it, it’s kind of a fascinating idea we now hold those plays in such reverence 400 years later. So, I would love to go there to see what the thinking was behind them.

Lord Henry Blackwood Sherlock Holmes 2009 Mark StrongWarner Bros.
There’s that eternal mystery of who Shakespeare is: was he really an actor or one of the King’s Men? Was it written by royalty? I think it’s the Earl of Oxford isn’t it, that people think might have written the plays. How did that guy know the conventions of the court in Italy, for example?

I would love to use the time machine to go back and explore that time and see how grimy it was. Also, there’s people that say if those guys were writing today, churning them out, they’d be writing for soaps or something. I’d love to know whether that was true, or whether they truly understood these plays would live hundreds of years into the future and still be performed.

UNILAD: Out of interest, what’s your favourite Shakespeare play?

Mark: I think Hamlet is my favourite play, because that was written during a 20-year period which was was known as the ‘Revenge Period’, and there were plays written by people like Thomas Kyd – who wrote The Spanish Tragedy – and other writers who were writing revenge tragedies at the time.

There was a kind of formula to it all, a bit like horror stories and horror movies now – there had to be a skull, there had to be a dagger, the villain had to die, often there was poison and people kissing poison, stuff like that. The idea that something would happen to someone and they’d take their horrible revenge, the audience loved these.

Mark Strong StardustParamount Pictures
But what Shakespeare did was write a revenge play in which the ‘revenger’ couldn’t take his revenge. It’s a much more cerebral play – the idea he just kind of went to another place. Instead of writing a play with all the usual daggers and poison and skulls and all of that, he kind of wrote a play that fits the period. But it’s a much more cerebral play about someone who has an inability to take revenge rather than how they take their revenge.

UNILAD: I think I’m still shook to the core by having to near-memorise Hamlet in school that a mention of it really gets under my skin.

Mark: [Laughs] Well, recently Andrew Scott did [Hamlet] at the Almeida which I thought was fantastic, by a guy called Robert Icke who I’ve worked with. He made it really clear and really watchable, and I took my young teenage son who was riveted by it from beginning to end, and it’s not one of Shakespeare’s shorter plays either.

Andrew Scott HamletBBC
It’d be extraordinary, you know? It’s not just Shakespeare writing at this time, it’s all the other guys too, and the competition between the different groups.

At this time there was a thing called the Vagabonds Act [1572] and I think actors were deemed to be rogues and vagabonds, and kind of lumped together with bookies and prostitutes and all that kind of thing. You were considered like, really the arse-end of society if you were writing, acting and performing in those theatres.

2) What’s the most famous person thing you’ve ever done?

Mark: The most famous person thing I’ve ever done? I don’t entirely understand, I’m guessing you’re asking what’s the most access I’ve had as a famous person or something like that?

UNILAD: That’s probably the grammatically better-put way of asking it, yeah.

Mark: [laughs] Okay, so I’m a Gooner, I’m an Arsenal fan. I was born in Islington, I’ve followed them all my life. I’m not rabid, but I am very keen – I have a season ticket and everything.

I was invited to the director’s box to watch Arsenal vs Tottenham a couple of seasons ago, so I got to stand in the tunnel when the players arrived and got to kind of shake their hands and see both teams as they went past me into the changing rooms, so I got to do that.

Then, I got to go up and have a lunch in the director’s box in the restaurant up there and then go and sit in the director’s box. I don’t know if you know, as someone who’s used to sitting in the stadium, these are heated seats in the director’s box. It was a chilly day, I had a blanket over my legs and I watched us beat Tottenham, which was a great feeling.

Mark Strong Fever PitchPhaedra Cinema
The funny thing about that story is, on the way up in the lift after seeing all the players together to go have something to eat, when the doors opened all I could see was Robert Pires just standing there. I’m a huge fan of his, so when I walked in I just started chatting to him – god knows what I was saying, just garbling about the game and what it’d feel like if we win and stuff like that.

My wife, who was with me, kept tugging away at my arm in the lift. She just kept tugging away and I’m trying to elbow her off like: ‘F*ck off, I’m trying to talk to Robert Pires.’ Then, she tugs again, so I turn round like: ‘What?’ She points over my soldier and it’s Arsène Wenger literally squashed into the corner of the lift, and me with my back to him, and I didn’t even realise he was in there.

I felt so bad. A great man, squashed into the corner, as I indulged my love of Robert Pires. So, I apologised and he was very gracious about it. But yeah, I guess that whole episode is probably the most famous person thing I’ve ever had the privilege of being able to do.

It was fun, but I felt like such a dick that he was literally standing right behind me. But, like I say, he was very gracious.

Mark Strong PA Images
3) If you weren’t an actor, what do you think you’d be doing with your life?

Mark: What would I be doing, or what would I hope to be doing?

UNILAD: What would you like to be doing if being an actor wasn’t a possibility for you?

Mark: Hmm, I don’t know. Like I say, I was born in Islington, grew up in London. Moving away gave me access to a better education than I probably would have had, had I stayed in London where we were living.

But my parents broke up and my mother moved away, and I think the lifestyle of an only child with a single parent who moves around a lot probably led me to be in acting. I do wonder if they stayed put, stayed married, I’d probably be working in London, driving a van or something. I probably wouldn’t have had the same opportunities, I’ve been very lucky.

But what I would have loved to have done is be a musician. That’s the thing I covet most of all. Guys being able to sort of layer sound together, write tunes, perform live, you know that’s kind of where I might have headed.

Mark Strong Is Desperate To See Arsenal Win The Champions League20th Century Studios
Even when I was a kid, I was a huge fan – my first musical consciousness was northern soul, then it was David Bowie and Talking Heads. I was just such a huge fan, I think I would have gone that way.

When I was 14, I started a band at school. It was a punk band, because we were all told at the age, it was sort of 1976/1977, there was three chords (I think it was in a music magazine). ‘Here’s three chords, now go out and form a band.’ I took it literally, got some mates together: ‘You’re gonna play drums, you’re gonna play guitar, we’ll get a mic.’

At school, I was in charge of the amp and speakers, so I could get a room and we could all plug our instruments in and we could just play. Our band was called… well, we had loads of different names. My favourite was Toxoid.

UNILAD: Toxoid?

Mark: Toxoid! [Laughs] As in toxic, Toxoid. We also called ourselves Private Party because we thought it’d be funny to have a poster with Private Party written on it, but nobody turned up. I don’t think we really thought that one through properly. But yeah, music would have been the way to go I think.

UNILAD: Do you have any particular songs curated from your band?

Mark: I do, I can remember we certainly recorded a couple. One was called Obese, one was called Pity the Native, which had a sort of reggae flavour to it.

We had a guy who we sort of thought was going to be our manager, so we cut these two tracks at a very cheap recording studio. He gave us the cassette tapes of what we’d done, and he wrote on the front ‘Obeast!’ and ‘Peter the Native’ instead of Pity the Native. We kind of knew we were doomed if our manager couldn’t get the names of the tracks right.

UNILAD: Punk bands singing reggae-flavoured songs probably isn’t something you’d hear nowadays.

Mark: Well, I don’t know – there was a huge companionship between punk and reggae back in those days. I think they were both culturally trying to tear down boredom, really. I was listening to Don Letts on Radio 6, and he was talking about this. He said there was a real conference between the two because they were both sort of revolutionary. Revolutionary songs and music, they did sort of share a similar DNA.

4) You have one wish and it has to be selfish, what do you wish for? No world peace.

Mark: Sorry about this, but it’s got to be Arsenal to win the Champions League.

[Laughs] That’s what I really wish for. I was there in 2006 when we played Barcelona, and we were down to 10 men but still went 1-0 up, and I think the Arsenal team, at that point, was better than the Barcelona team, and we could have won that.

Fever Pitch 1997Phaedra Cinema
It always hurts – in the last 20 minutes they scored two goals. It was in Paris, bit rainy and a bit chilly when I came out of the stadium – I felt a bit miserable. So, I kind of thought there and then, that’s what I’d like to happen. It’s gone a bit backwards since then, but we’ll be back.

UNILAD: There’s still hope! Things can happen, things can change.

Mark: There is still hope, well put, thanks Cameron.

5) Whose career are you secretly jealous of?

Mark: I don’t even think it’s secretly; I’m openly jealous of Viggo Mortensen, do you know him?

UNILAD: Yes, of course! He’s fantastic.

Mark: He’s a really fascinating guy. I did a movie with him in Prague called Good. When I arrived, he gave me a CD of some music he’d made – but it wasn’t songs and tunes, it was him sort of noodling on the piano, random songs he’d made, sort of atmospheric thing, along with a little book of photographs from the period.

I thought he was really cool. He also had a flag of his Argentinian team, San Lorenzo de Almagro. He’s a very ardent fan. The combination of all those things – the music, the little things he gave me when I arrived, his love of football – I really thought he was cool.

Viggo Mortensen Green BookUniversal Pictures
More than that, it’s the choices he’s made, the films he makes. Captain Fantastic, I thought was brilliant and a really lovely choice. Green Book, which he did just recently, was amazing. Then there was the Russian thing, oh I can’t remember what it’s called. He could have went the way of the big studios, had he wanted to, but always kept it much more interesting. Every film he makes I always look forward to.

UNILAD: Is there any part of you that would like to be Aragorn?

Mark: Ironically, that’s the thing he liked least, I think. He’s aware it gave him international fame, but he constantly made a decision to not pursue those kinds of parts in those kinds of movies. Obviously, if something like that comes your way, you do it. There are certain parts and certain projects you can’t say no to.

Of course, I would have loved to be in it. But it’s what he’s done since then I find so interesting. He’s not gone for the sort of mainstream money and fame, he’s actually gone for interesting things.

UNILAD: Absolutely. I mean, A History of Violence is spectacular. Then there’s The Road – god, so bleak.

Mark: [Laughs] Yeah The Road is really bleak. A History of Violence is extraordinary, isn’t it? A very odd film. Then there’s that Russian one I’m trying to think of, where he has the naked fight in the sauna.

The Road Viggo MortensenDimension Films
UNILAD: Eastern Promises!

Mark: That’s it. What a varied amount of different stuff he’s played. He’s what they call an actor’s actor – he’s certainly my kind of actor.

6) What’s your strongest held opinion?

Mark: I think it’s about how we’re all equal: how I cannot stand arrogance and people who are unkind to one another and don’t value each other, and don’t really see that every human being on the planet has as much value as the next.

I think that’s why Nelson Mandela is such a big hero. Having been locked up, for the length of time he was, to then not come out and take revenge but see the bigger picture and make himself a true statesman by trying to preach peace and understanding, I think that’s incredibly important in life.

Mark Strong PA Images
In my daily life, I just try and make sure that I’m as egalitarian as I can possibly be. We’re all equal – some people have had good fortune, some people have made money and had success, but it doesn’t entitle you to anything. Really, you’re just the same as the next guy.

7) What’s something you’ve never admitted publicly but you’ll tell me now.

Mark: [Laughs] I’ve thought about this Cameron and I’m going to disappoint you I’m afraid. The logic of that question is, if I’ve never admitted it publicly, why on Earth would I tell you?

UNILAD: Well, I like to think I’m very nice and you might feel a connection to tell me such things.

Mark: I probably would if we were having a drink together somewhere in a pub. But you are the conduit to the world, so as a good journalist whatever I tell you has to be passed on. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be doing your job.

UNILAD: That’s true.

Mark Strong Shazam!Warner Bros.
Mark: I remember as a kid I used to have a diary that had a lock on it. Did you ever have one of those? You had a physical, leather-bound, paper diary and it had a little flap with a lock and a key.

UNILAD: I think I may have had one when I was a bit younger.

Mark: Yeah! So when I was a kid, the idea was your private thoughts were so private that you locked them up in your diary and you had your key. It does fascinate me that in this day and age, it’s the exact opposite. Things come totally full circle and you’re supposed to reveal a part of yourself.

But I still believe in mystery, especially as an actor I think if you know too much about me maybe you’re not going to be able to believe me playing roles. Keeping your counsel and not admitting everything by showing everyone your personal life probably isn’t a bad thing.

UNILAD: I fully respect that, but let me ask you this: have you ever mentioned that diary in public before?

Mark: Hmm, have I ever mentioned it? No, I don’t think so. There you go! [Laughs]

Mark StrongPA Images
8) You’re stuck living the same day over and over, what day would it be and why?

Mark: It might be a Monday or a Friday, they’re the days I played football. I play with a bunch of guys, who I’ve been playing with for a few years now, we play six or seven-a-side. When I’m away filming, I really miss a game.

If my day began with going to play a game of football with other guys who don’t have a proper job, who can play football at 10.00, that’d be a very good day. After that, I’d go off and train with a guy. Nothing heavy, bearing in mind I just ran around for 90 minutes.

I kind of like a day where I’ve done some physical exercise, because that makes me feel better in my head. Then, if I can watch a fantastic movie in the evening, that’d be my perfect day.

UNILAD: Do you get to play a lot of football?

Mark: Yeah! I mean, not right now obviously. But I normally play every Friday and Monday morning with the same bunch of guys I’ve been playing with for years, and it’s a real source of joy. It’s been a constant in my life.

Sony Pictures Releasing
UNILAD: Have you had to resort to playing FIFA to get that football fix?

Mark: [Laughs] You know, I’m not a big gamer. Maybe it’s my age, but the game’s kind of slightly passed me by. My boys play a lot, I watch them play. But I’ve never really had the thumbs for it.

9) Have you ever been left convinced – or at least persuaded – by a fake news story about yourself?

Mark: Well no, because that would make me really stupid, wouldn’t it?

UNILAD: [Laughs]

Mark: [Laughs] It’s a simple answer. If I was convinced by a fake news story, where would my head be at? I can’t think of anything that’s been out there or has been a mistake or wrong.

Mark Strong 1917Entertainment One
10) If you had to remove one colour from the world forever, which would it be and why?

Mark: That’s a really mad question. I think I’d remove the colour taupe. That kind of midway combination between brown and grey. Brown and grey aren’t really great colours in themselves, and the idea that mixing them together gives an even more insipid colour of taupe, I think it doesn’t necessarily need to be around.

It’s a bit like mauve, like a pale purple. Purple is such a brilliant colour, I feel sorry for mauve, I don’t feel like it’s entirely necessary. Two insipid colours we don’t need.

Krakenory with Mark Strong is available to view on The Kraken Rum’s YouTube now. Kick-Ass is also available to watch on Netflix (because there’s never a bad time to watch it).

If you have a story you want to tell, send it to UNILAD via



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 楼主| 发表于 2020-4-25 17:39:27 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-1 21:56:25 | 显示全部楼层
翻译@乖咪小白  @DOREMEA

关于Mark Strong我们能说些什么呢? 他出演了两部叫《阳光》的电影。 他还海扁了海扁王(kicked Kick-Ass’s ass)——但是他最后的结局并不太理想。 正如《王牌特工》中的梅林所说,他可“真他妈的棒!”
这位英国演员近期曾在电影1917中率领士兵去往前线。现在,他成为了讲故事的人,带领听众沉浸在 Krakenory 远洋航海故事中。Krakenory 是一档新的线上节目,灵感来自CBBC的Jackanory(译注:一个讲儿童故事的节目),希望引导人们远离因居家令而产生的幽闭烦躁症。
首先,尽管如此,country road把他带回了属于他的地方:举着电话,来和UNILAD聊聊天。因为我们是一群好人,所以我们没有用 "罪恶之眼 "(沙赞)来诱惑他——相反,我们以发人深省的访谈形式来考验他。幸好,他没有派他的手下把我关进巨大的木质微波炉(海扁王1)里(暂时还没有)。

Mark Strong:有很多选择,但我最终会选择16世纪末,那时莎士比亚正在写剧本,Ben Johnson和 Christopher Marlow---他们都在为突然出现在南岸的剧院写剧本,而这些剧院在白天则被用来做为“逗熊”(一种残酷的娱乐方式:用狗去激怒和攻击被锁链捆绑的熊)的场地。

关于莎士比亚是谁,有一个永恒的谜团:他实际是一名演员?是国王剧团中的一员?还是皇室成员? 我认为他的真实身份是牛津伯爵(译注:原名爱德华•德维尔Edward de Vere,1920年托马斯•卢尼的著作中提出牛津伯爵是除W.莎士比亚本人外,最有可能的莎士比亚剧本的真正作者),人们认为可能是他写的剧本。 举个例子:那个家伙是怎么知道意大利宫廷的惯例的?


UNILAD: 你最喜欢的莎士比亚戏剧是哪部?

Mark Strong:《哈姆雷特》是我最喜欢的一部戏剧,因为《哈姆雷特》是在长达20年“复仇时期”中诞生的。在这段时期里,Thomas Kyd创作了《西班牙悲剧》,还有许多其他作者在创作复仇题材的戏剧。


但莎士比亚却写了一个“复仇者 "无法复仇的复仇剧。这是一部更理性的戏剧——莎士比亚想到了另一方面。他并没有在剧里使用匕首、毒药、骷髅头这些常见梗,而是写了一出符合那个时代的戏剧。但这是一部理性的剧,讲述的是一个没有能力报仇的人,而不是他们如何报仇。


Mark Strong:[笑]嗯,最近Andrew Scott与Robert Icke合作的《哈姆雷特》在Almeida剧院上演了,我觉得非常棒。我和Robert Icke之前合作过(红谷仓),他能把戏剧故事讲述得脉络清晰而且具有观赏性。我带着十几岁的儿子一同去观看,他从头到尾都被迷住了。这可是莎士比亚所有戏剧中篇幅最长的一部。



Mark Strong:我做过最明星的事?我没有理解,我猜你是在问我作为一个名人做过的最多的事情是什么?


Mark Strong:[笑] 好吧,我是个球迷,我是阿森纳的球迷。我出生在伊斯灵顿,我一生都在关注他们。我不是特别狂热的那种球迷,但我确实很热衷——我买了季票和各种周边。


更有趣的是在我看见球员们也去餐厅吃东西之后,来了一部电梯,然后电梯门打开了,我看到了Robert Pires(法国足球运动员,司职中场,曾效力于阿森纳足球俱乐部)站在那里。我是他的铁杆粉丝,所以从我走进电梯的那一刻起,我就迫不及待的和他聊天——天知道我在说什么,胡言乱语的说着关于比赛的事情,以及如果我们赢了比赛会是什么感觉之类的。
我太太当时和我在一起,她在电梯里拽着我的胳膊。她就一直用力拽着我的胳膊,我想用手肘把她推开,就像: “走开啦,我在和Robert Pires聊天呢。” 接着她又拽了一下,我转过身问:“怎么啦?” 她指了指已经被我挤到了电梯角落里的Arsène Wenger(法国足球教练,1996年起执教阿森纳)。我正背对着他,甚至没有意识到他也在电梯里。

我感到很内疚。一个伟大的人,在我放纵对Robert Pires的爱时被挤到了角落。所以我向他道了歉,他也很客气。但是,是的,我想那一整天可能是我有生以来有幸能做的最明星的事了。


Mark Strong:你的意思是我会做什么,或者说,我想做什么?


Mark Strong:嗯,我不知道。就像我之前说的,我出生在伊斯灵顿,在伦敦长大。搬走后我得到了更好的教育,比我留在伦敦生活时要好得多。


甚至当我还是个孩子的时候我就已经是歌迷了——我的音乐启蒙是北方灵魂乐(译注:Northern Soul,英国60年代中期开始的一种灵魂乐),然后是 David Bowie和Talking Heads(译注:传声头像是一支美国新浪潮乐团,在1975年于纽约市组建,直至1991年解散)。我是超级歌迷,我想我可能会走上音乐之路。

在学校里我负责调试音箱和扬声器,所以我有办法找到一个空房间,这样我们就可以把乐器插上电演奏。我们的乐队被称为...... 好吧,乐队有很多不同的名字。我最喜欢的是 "类毒素(Toxoid)"。


Mark Strong:类毒素! [笑] 类似有毒的, 类毒素。乐队还有个名字叫 "私人派对(Private Party)",这是因为我们觉得在海报上写上 "私人派对 "会很有趣,但后来根本没有人来看。我认为我们乐队没有认真考虑过这个问题。但是,是的,我想玩音乐应该是最适合我的。


Mark Strong:有,当然了,我记得我们录了几首歌。一首叫《Obese》,一首叫《Pity the Native》,有点雷鬼(译注:西印度群岛的一种节奏强劲的流行音乐)风格。

乐队里有个我们视作经纪人的家伙,所以我们才能够在一个很便宜的录音室里制作完成了这两首歌。他把我们的录音带给我们,录影带封面写着 “Obeast!”和 “Peter the Native",而不是 “Pity the Native"。我们意识到如果连经纪人都写不对歌名,那这乐队就完蛋了。


Mark Strong:嗯,我也不知道——在我们那个年代,朋克和雷鬼是好朋友,两者都是在试图打破无聊的文化。真的。我之前在第六电台听Don Letts的节目,他也说起了这个话题,他认为朋克和雷鬼形成了联盟,因为他们都带有革命性。革命性的歌曲和音乐,他们确实有相似的DNA。

Mark Strong:很抱歉,我一定会许愿阿森纳夺得欧冠冠军。



UNILAD:还是有希望的! 一切皆有可能。

Mark Strong:还是有希望的,说得好,感谢Cameron(采访记者)。

Mark Strong:我都不是私下嫉妒,我是公开地嫉妒Viggo Mortensen,你知道他吗?


Mark Strong:他是个非常有魅力的人。我和他在布拉格合作过一部叫做《好人》的电影(Good - 2008)。我到那里的时候,他给了我一张CD,里面是他做的一些音乐。那些音乐都算不上是歌曲和旋律,就是他在钢琴上敲敲打打,随心做的音乐,有点让人动情。除了CD,他还给了我一本小册子,里面有当时他做音乐时的照片。

我觉得他真的很酷。他还有一面他支持的阿根廷球队——圣洛伦索竞技足球俱乐部(San Lorenzo de Almagro)的队旗。他是个非常热情的球迷。他做的音乐,他给我的小册子,他对足球的热爱,这一切让我真的觉得他很酷。

更重要的是他的选片口味,他拍的电影。《神奇队长》(Captain Fantastic - 2016),我觉得很精彩,是个非常棒的选择。他最近刚拍的《绿皮书》(Green Book - 2018),也很精彩。然后是讲俄罗斯的那部,哦,我不记得叫什么了。如果他想的话,他可以走大制片厂路线,但他总是让大制作更有趣。他的每一部电影,我都很期待。


Mark Strong:讽刺的是,我觉得阿拉贡可能是他最不喜欢的角色。他知道这个角色让他扬名立万,但他一直以来都在拒绝追求那类电影中的那类角色。显然,如果有这样的角色来找你,你就要去拍。有些角色和有些电影是你不能拒绝的。


UNILAD:当然。我的意思是,《暴力史》( A History of Violence - 2005)十分不同凡响。然后是《末日危途》(The Road - 2009)——天啊,太凄凉了。

Mark Strong:[笑] 是的,《末日危途》真的很凄凉。《暴力史》很特别,不是吗?很奇怪的一部电影。还有那部我正在努力想起片名的俄罗斯电影,他在片里有一场桑拿房裸体大战。
UNILAD:《东方的承诺》!(Eastern Promises - 2007)

Mark Strong:就是这部。他演过的角色真的很多变。他就是他们所说的演员中的演员——他肯定是我喜欢的那种演员。

Mark Strong:我认为是人人平等:我不能忍受傲慢的人,也不能忍受那些不仁不义的人,不懂得珍惜彼此,没有意识到这个星球上的每一个人都和身边其他人有一样的价值。

我想这就是为什么纳尔逊-曼德拉(Nelson Mandela)是个大英雄。他被囚禁了那么久,他出狱后没有选择报仇,而是从大局出发,通过努力宣扬和平与理解,使自己成为真正的政治家,我认为这一点在生活中非常重要。


Mark Strong:[笑] 我想过这个问题,Cameron(采访记者),恐怕要让你失望了。这个问题的逻辑是,如果我从未公开承认过,我为什么要告诉你呢?


Mark Strong:如果咱俩在酒吧里一起喝酒的话,我可能会告诉你的。但你现在是一条通向世界的管道,作为一名优秀的记者,我告诉你什么,你就要向外界传达什么。否则的话,你就不会做这份工作了。


Mark Strong:我记得小时候,我曾经有一个日记本,上面有一把锁。你有过这样的日记本吗?皮子封面,上面有一个小盖子,里面有一把锁和一把钥匙的那种日记本。


Mark Strong:是的!所以当我还是个孩子的时候,我就知道:你的个人想法是如此的私密,以至于你会把它们锁在日记本里,只有你自己才有钥匙。这一点确实让我十分着迷,然而在这个时代,完全反了过来。大家都觉得你应该把自我的一部分暴露出来。



Mark Strong:嗯,我有提过吗?没有,我想没有。你抓住了重点![笑]

Mark Strong:可能是周一或周五,那是我踢球的日子。我和一帮人一起踢六人制或者七人制足球,我们一起踢了好几年了。当我在外面拍戏的时候,我真的很想念足球比赛。




Mark Strong:是的!我的意思是,显然现在踢不成了。但我通常每周五和周一早上都会和一群小伙伴一起踢球,我们已经一起踢了好几年的球,这真的是我的快乐源泉,也是一直以来我生活中的常态。


Mark Strong:[笑] 你知道,我不是一个游戏迷。也许是我的年龄问题,这游戏对我来说有点太新潮了。我的儿子们经常玩FIFA,我会看着他们玩,但我自己从来没有玩过。

Mark Strong:没有,因为要是说有的话会让我显得非常愚蠢,不是吗?


Mark Strong:[笑] 答案很简单。如果我被一个假新闻说服了,我的脑子在哪里?我想不出来有什么关于我的假新闻,或者是什么错误的消息。

Mark Strong:这真是一个很疯狂的问题。我想我会去掉介于棕色和灰色之间的灰褐色。棕色和灰色本身就不是什么好颜色,而把它们混合在一起会生成更乏味的灰褐色,我觉得灰褐色没什么存在的必要。

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